1. Alleviates some forms of Anemia.
2. Helps with lung diseases such as Bronchitis, Tuberculosis and Pleurisy
3.Keeps the appendix healthy and is useful in Appendicitis and other septic conditions, when diagnosed.
4.Clears skin problems such as boils and pustules caused by internal toxicity.
5.Effective as an antimicrobial against Aspergillus Niger (a potentially deadly mold) common in foods such as peanuts, corn, grains, beans and sweet potatoes.
6.Assists in subduing Candida Albicans (a common body fungus) (Yeast Infections).
7.Kills many parasites (i.e. Paracoccidioides- Brasiliensis and Fusanrium) and Worms, such as Pinworms, found in humans.
8.Inhibits formation of fatty tissue in the liver leading to Cirrhosis.
9.Has anti-tumor properties.
10.Removes harmful toxins from the tissues, including heavy metals.
11.Effective colon cleaner.
12.Improves digestion in some cases.
13.If you are suffering from complications which can lead to one of the Four Major Causes of Death in America, You will be able to see from the above List, how Bear's Garlic can Help You!
14 It is an antioxidant, protecting the body from destructive free radicals, and restores capillary & venous integrity.
15.Most biochemical aspects of Bear’s Garlic contain 2 to 4 times the active constituents of regular garlic.
16.Bear’ s Garlic is naturally odor-free.
17.Insulin regulation is improved.
18.20 times more adenosine - a key chemical in energy production and inhibition of
uric acid excess (Gout).
19.Inhibits cholesterol synthesis (manufacturing excess), and reduces blood
cholesterol in other ways.
20.Lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
21.Prevents ventricular (heart) arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation.
22.Acts as a vasodilator, allowing for better blood flow (circulation).
23.Activates Fibrinolysis (breakdown of proteins that cause blood clotting), i.e. acts as a blood thinner and inhibits platelet production. (Use Caution with any form of garlic if your platelets are LOW or if you take pharmaceutical blood thinners.
Similarly use caution with natural blood thinner products, such as high amounts of vitamin E, Ginkgo or Natto-Kinase.